Zenk Law, PLLC

Zenk Law is a law firm specializing in estate planning, business planning and related matters.  We guide individuals, families, and businesses through complex issues of estate planning, business transition and succession planning, estate tax planning, asset protection and business entity planning.
Tackling these issues may seem overwhelming, but we’re here to explain it to you in terms you will understand and help you find answers for all your questions. From there, we’ll create a plan that you feel comfortable with, understand, and works for you.
In our 16 years of experience, we have worked with countless individuals and operations, building plans unique to their specific goals and circumstances. Our focus includes crafting a multi-faceted plan specific for you. And in addition to the legal documents, we excel at assuring the financial, tax, and operational pieces of the plan properly fit together - giving you a wholistic plan to build your legacy.  To accomplish this, we are focused on the team approach to planning – making sure your other professionals: tax professional, loan officer, financial advisor, CFP, insurance professional, etc. are involved (at your direction) and all of the “pieces to your puzzle” are properly pieced together.
Take control of your future.  We can help.  Give us a call!