Aspire Scholarships

Every Student Deserves An Opportunity.  

Hide In Plain Sight is a non-profit organization that helps homeless or impoverished students who wish to pursue a post high school education to a college, vocational school, or technical school that ultimately leads to self-sustaining employment. Our scholarships are intended to remove the barriers a homeless or student in poverty faces including tuition assistance, books, fees, transportation, childcare, food and housing.

On any given day in Colorado, there are approximately 2,000 high school students experiencing homelessness.  Many of these students experiencing adversity have dreams of attending college or vocational school but lack the means to do so. By supporting Hide in Plain Sight you can help give them a hand up and change the course of their lives by giving the gift of education.  We are committed to breaking the cycle of homelessness and poverty one student at a time.

Help us give a hand up, not a hand out.