Uryte.com, Inc.

Our vision is to improve education by identifying the best teachers in the country and providing all students access to those teachers.

Uryte.com is the nation’s first Concierge Education platform providing parents and students online access to the best public school teachers in the country. The first step requires us to determine the best teachers in the country by finding your student’s teachers and grading them using our free online survey. Teachers are then ranked by their Educator’s Grade Point Average (EGPA), an overall average of parents’ survey results.

As we gather survey results the best and brightest teachers will emerge from the shadows of public education. Uryte.com is going to hire those best and brightest teachers to provide their teaching skills to our members. Those teachers will finally start making the money they deserve, either by supplementing their income with special teaching sessions on Uryte.com or joining Uryte.com permanently as part of our Concierge Education Program.