Concierge Health & Wellness Massage & Spa

Thank you for stopping by.

My name is Calvin.

I am a veteran of the United States Army, a master personal trainer, lab scientist, health care administrator, and massage therapist. Health is what I do.

Here at Concierge Health and Wellness, I help people to take care of themselves primarily through 3 ways: 1) Massage, 2) Personal Training, and 3) Coaching and Meditative Relaxation. With Concierge Health and Wellness services, hopefully, I can provide one of the best massage and relaxation experiences that you will ever experience.

I provide many types of massages and modalities that I fuse with spa services such as hot stone and hot towel services, scrubs, hand and foot massages, and meditation with concierge services. I also tailor services for bodybuilders and athletes (theragun and other modalities), as well as those who have chronic injuries, pathologies, or disease states where medical massage may be indicated.

I provide my clients with a relaxing environment, as I realize massage is energetic as well as somatic in nature. Additionally, on a case-by-case basis, travel to your location may be indicated, to accommodate business and professional schedules. Lastly, I go out to business and community events to provide sports massages, health and wellness seminars, continuing education as well as being invited to health-related speaking engagements.

If there is one thing I have learned, it is to take care of yourself. If you don't, then who?

This is the perfect option for the professional who wants the private spa experience or for the sports enthusiast, bodybuilder, or athlete who needs IASTM, deep pressure, and myofascial work in conjunction with a therapeutic and relaxing environment.

NOTE: The last 90-minute slot is scheduled at 7 PM, as I close at 9 PM. Please see the new two-hour message for a different level of relaxation. Additionally, my goal is to schedule you between 24hrs to and a week for your massage. Most are scheduled within three days. The massage table is also extended for taller people as well as has wider armrests for those who are a bit bigger so that you can relax while you receive your message. Also, we have a wider table (with large armrests) and a long table (with extension) for taller and bulkier clients and their comfort.

Contact me today and let's the schedule.

Serving Rio Rancho and Albuquerque, New Mexico, and surrounding areas.

Contact me today.


Calvin Ward