Green Public Affairs & Campaigns

Ted Green must have been born with a political bumper sticker in his hand.

After graduating from USC, where he was tellingly named Outstanding Freshman Debater, Ted immersed himself in politics. By the time he joined Woodward & McDowell in 1990, he’d already interned at the White House, managed a City Council race, and helped elect a governor in California. In addition to managing campaigns and community organizing efforts, Ted is especially adept at building diverse coalitions. Famous for his persistence and meticulous attention to detail, he has established working relationships in every county in California and has built broad-based, bi-partisan coalitions on just about every issue one can imagine. He’s also still a first-rate debater and continues to be the go-to guy for tough community forums and news media debates. Ted served as the President of the Board of Directors of the Junior Statesmen Foundation, an organization he first joined as a high school student.