Hands Of Silk Massage and Wellness

We are proud and honored to be able to provide high-quality massages and services to those of Maricopa Arizona. From the most athletic of individuals to people who simply want to experience the benefits of relaxation and stress relief, to those who need help and therapy after a traumatic experience, with our wide variety of modalities we have services to be able to cover any individual needs.

For those seeking spiritual empowerment, we provide services restoring balance to the bodys axiatonal lines, electromagnetic grids, skin receptors, spin points, meridians, and chakras. When you are ready, we can assist you in your continuation of spirituality through a technique and process for the Spiritual Light Integration.

The path to health, wholeness, stress relief, and enjoyment are unique to each of us and can be discovered by focusing the attention toward our bodies where sensations, feelings, emotions, and intuitions abide. Through a consistent practice of said focused attention, we learn how to tap into our inner intelligence and make choices leading to a life of integrity, fulfillment, peace, and harmony.

Isnt it time you set aside a moment that is all about you? What your body wants and what your spirit needs. After all, what is harmony without discovering lifes simple pleasures? We believe that everyone deserves to know first-hand the power of healing and stress relief through massage therapy. We encourage those who havent experienced the power of touch to come to visit us as we immerse your every sense in the art and science of our massages.