Options for Justice
Options for Justice is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization designed to support individuals who have a developmental disability and who find themselves involved in the criminal justice system.  
Navigating the justice system is challenging in the best of circumstances, however, for individuals who have a developmental disability, it can be even more difficult.  Individuals often have limited understanding of the steps necessary to achieve a desirable outcome once involved in the system.  They often do not have the resources or supports in order to be successful.
Options for Justice works with these iindividuals throughout every step of this process.  We will provide supports to individuals in a variety of different community settings including jail, court, the probabtion office, meetings with attorneys. and all necessary community resources.  Individual plans will be developed for every individual served and  supports will be provided as long as they are actively involved in any part of the system.
All supports and services are provided to these individuals at no cost to them.  The agency is funded by SB30 dollars through St. Louis, County, St. Louis, CIty, St. Chatrles and Lincoln County. It is also very active in fundraising and is always looking for the support of community partners.
In addition to providing client supports, Options for Justice also provides training to professionals in both the justice and dd services systems.  These imporetant trainings help create a better understanding for professionals in  recognizing what a developmental disability is,  understanding the unique challenges some individuals may have, and finding ways to better support these invididuals through the system.