Camon Temple First Born Church Inc.

Camon Temple First Born Church Inc.

Welcome to Camon Temple First Born Church Inc., a place of faith and spiritual growth rooted in the principles of the First Born Church of the Living God. Our mission is clear: to empower our members to reach the highest levels of spiritual endowment in this life, as outlined in Matthew 5:14-16. We believe that true fulfillment comes from a commitment to Jesus Christ, which encompasses not only one's spiritual well-being but also their physical, social, and economic aspects. Total dedication to this path enables believers to experience the pinnacle of spiritual and temporal fulfillment, equipping them to become effective witnesses who draw others into the Christian fellowship, fulfilling the purpose for which the church was established.

At Camon Temple, we adhere to the core tenets of our faith, embracing the Holy Trinity, feet washing of the Saints, communion with pure water and unleavened bread, and a complete experience of the seven works of grace, including consecration and regeneration. Our beliefs encompass the crucial events of Christ's life, from His death, burial, and resurrection to both water and Holy Spirit baptism, the second coming of Christ, His thousand-year reign on earth with the Saints, and the promise of eternal and everlasting life, alongside the resurrection of the righteous dead. We recognize that as baptized believers, we form one body under the headship of Christ, and we are dedicated to fulfilling our divine purpose as a community of faith. Join us on this journey of spiritual growth and transformation at Camon Temple First Born Church Inc. as we embrace these foundational principles and seek to live them out in our daily lives.