
MDVIP 365 has 60 years of combined medical expertise in representing injured workers and motor vehicle accident cases. Our doctors have a minimum of 10 years of experience each in representing and advocating for injured workers and motor vehicle accident cases. We have experience in expert witness, medical case review, and second opinion letters.

We pride ourselves on being the best to evaluate your case so that you can get the benefits you deserve, as fast as possible. The most important thing we have learned in representing injured workers and motor vehicle accident cases is that Details Matter. We will fully evaluate your medical records, and guide you on the necessary medical tests you may require to build your case and allow for the best possible outcome.

We are well acquainted with the EEOICPA and serve several patients in our medical practice who have received compensation under the law. In addition to our board certifications as internists, we are certified to perform impairment ratings under Part E of the EEOICPA and RECA.

We have helped thousands of injured workers and motor vehicle accident cases to maximize their benefits with the government and insurance companies.