Fit N Fine Fitness

Fit N' Fine Fitness is a Personal Training Studio set up to train Group Classes, Group Sessions, and Training One-on-One. This is a Women's-Only Studio (sorry boys)

My name is Courtney Coral Sweat. I have dedicated myself to helping as many women as possible feel Confident, Attractive, Sexy, and Overall- Happy and Energetic! I am here to Challenge your body to its full potential! My training is an Overall Core-Balance-Strength-Endurance-CHALLENGE! All I ask you to bring is Water, a Yoga/Pilates Mat, and your body. I'll handle the rest. In the one-hour training session, you will feel and all over body Pump!

At this time, I do not offer Daycare... I want you to come with your mind clear of any other distractions. This hour is for YOU!