JAK's Essentials

We are JAK's Essentials!!!.........Literally!

When thinking of an "about us" or "who we are" page I had no clue what to say or more like what you wanted to know. JAK's Essentials is more than just a skincare company started in our home. It's literally who we are. JAK's stands for Jalen, Ashod & Kay'Leigh's Essentials. My three children are the reason behind every product that we produce. The products we bring to all of you are the products that we use in our home every day. When the kids run out of soap, or body butter they run straight to our office to get more. (After paying of course :) This is all for them, and now for you and your family.

I'm sure you have heard the stories about how people started in their home, or one of their children had, have, or has sensitive skin, or something of that nature. Well, guess what? That's how we started JAK's. Having children with skin conditions, running back and forth between doctors, allergists, and dermatologists, and all of them prescribing more and more drugs, creams, and steroids became overwhelming and the results were only temporary.

It took a lot of time and effort to educate myself on the benefits of different oils, butter, and essential oils. I made many failed formulations and although there are millions of recipes and how to's out there I knew we needed something more thought out and specialized to make products that were gentle, safe, and that would provide lasting results.

There was a need for not only an all-natural skincare brand but for one that offered true results, provided the ultimate luxury spa experience, handmade, and affordable. We wrapped all of it into one and called it JAK's Essentials. This is who we are.