Canyon Creek Services

Canyon Creek Services (CCS) is 25 years old and has a powerful legacy involving many amazing individuals and organizations that have sacrificed and built the organization into what it is today and what it will become.Canyon Creek has typically been identified as an emergency shelter for women and children fleeing domestic violence.While that was true in our early years, we have become much more than that and have seen significant expansion in our services and activities over the past few years.

Our organization provides free and strictly confidential services to any victim of domestic violence as well as sexual assault. We offer our services to any victim, regardless of age, gender identity, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and so on whether they are in current crisis or seeking other support and guidance.Our current services include 24 hour crisis intervention, a 24 hour hotline, sexual assault hospital response, emotional support and advocacy, legal advocacy, medical advocacy, systems advocacy, housing assistance, emergency shelter, support groups, classes, case management, programming, and other life-situation support and advocacy with the goal of helping survivors achieve emotional healing and financial independence.Importantly, CCS is also providing and expanding sexual assault and domestic violence prevention and education programming, presentations, and materials to individuals, groups, organizations throughout our service area.